
This page is for anything I would like to share with you that isn't regarding my daily workout, diet, or supplements.

There is something I have to get off my chest. I must say that if you do not squat, dead lift and bench, then what the hell on earth are you doing? Those major 3 lifts are VITAL to growth and development overall.

Another thing that gets on my nerves is half-ass sissy squats. If you are going to squat, please go at LEAST parallel if not ATG (Ass To Ground). Doing partial squats would only hurt you in the future by causing muscle imbalance.

What are some of my favorite sites for bodybuilding/power lifting advice?

Well, my personal favorite is www.tnation.com. They have great articles that aren't boring  to read. The second website I would go to is www.bodybuilding.com. Their articles aren't as good but I go there to see transformations since they give me inspiration to push myself further.