
My CURRENT supplements are:

EAS 100% Whey Protein:

Cheap and Effective!
I have been using this protein since the start. It is both cheap and effective. I usually go to either Costco or BJ's and purchase them for about $30 per bag. Each bag contains 72 servings and this would last me a lot longer than if I was to buy other brands of protein. I have used other proteins in the past such as Syntha-6 by BSN and Optimum Nutrition's 100% Whey Gold but I realized that it isn't as cost effective as purchasing EAS 100% Whey Protein. This protein might not be as tasty but it sure mixes well (with blender) and it delivers 23g of protein per serving. It also has BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids) which aide in muscle recovery. Normally I would take 2-3 servings a day, depending on the day. Each serving I would do 2 scoops so 46g of protein per serving. This is definitely one of my most important supplements because it not only help replace my meals but help me gain muscle mass and strength.

Omega-3 Fish Oil:

Expensive but worth it.
Alright. This might be pricey compared to your usual omega-3 fish oil, but its benefits are worth its price. Usually when you purchase omega-3 fish oil pills, the cheaper ones are not from wild salmon; its from farmed salmon. Farmed salmon is poorer in nutrition quality compared to wild salmon. The omega-3 fatty acids in farmed salmon is less usable compared to wild salmon. New Chapter Whole Omega gives not only omega-3 but omega-5,6,7 and 9's. For 90 capsules, it would cost about $30. I do 4 capsules per serving so it would last me about 22 days. Like I said, it is expensive, but quality counts.

ZMA is better.


I found this lying around my house and since nobody was taking it, I decided to put it to use. Magnesium is very beneficial for anyone that works out because it helps catalyze ATPase which helps synthesize ATP. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is essential for energy to drive our body to function the way it does. Every cell in our body stores and uses ATP. When you are lifting weights, clearly you need as much energy as you can get, especially if you are lifting heavy. I take 2 pills (500mg) about 30 minutes prior to bed. Also, I have taken supplements such as ZMA which is probably more effective since it also contains zinc, another great mineral for weightlifters. For now, I just use Nature Made Magnesium since its lying around the house and nobody is putting it to good use. In the future after I am done with this bottle, I will invest in ZMA.

Once a day. Simple.

This supplement is self-explanatory. Everybody takes vitamins nowadays. This just happens to be my favorite brand because I've been taking it since I was in high school. Nothing fancy, just your everyday vitamin pill. I am sure any multivitamin is fine, as long as its a credible brand.

Supplements that I have taken in the past:

Jack3d Will Get You Jacked

This was a great supplement! I've cycled through this PWO (Pre Workout) three times. It gives great focus, pump, and energy. It did not give me jitters like NO-Xplode. Instead I realized that I do get itchy in the most random places because of Jack3d but I just ignore it. The taste is absolutely great. I got the lemon lime flavor and I can say it tastes just like lemonade. I highly recommend this product if anyone is looking for a PWO. It is very cost effective as well. You get 45 servings per container. It is about $23 a bottle usually but I've gotten it for $20 if you find it on the right website (shipping and handling included). The container is small and so is the scoop size. You do not need a shit load of powder, like BSN's NO-Xplode to get the job done. Jack3d markets their product stating they cut out the extra crap that is inside most PWO and only put ingredients that actually will help the lifter.

GNC Creatine Monohydrate:

I have gone through two containers of GNC's Creatine Monohydrate and I have to say I was impressed. It did give me strength and muscle mass like what creatine is suppose to do. GNC's Creatine Monohydrate is cheap and effective and I would also like to say it mixes very well. The taste isn't bad. I had the fruit punch flavor. I would take usually take about 10g of creatine per day. I would take 5g in the morning, 2.5g prior workout, and 2.5g post workout. My compound lifts shot up because of it. I highly recommend it for those who are bulking or trying to gain strength or mass. If you are cutting, I would still recommend taking it but maybe limit it to only 5g a day. If you are cutting I would say take 2.5g before and after workout.

OxyElite Pro:

Cut Fat With The Purple Pill!
Now this product is a fairly new product by the company USP Labs. They are the same company that put out my favorite PWO, Jack3d. This is a no bullshit story. After my freshman year of college, I ended up being around 220 lbs. This was disgusting. My eating habits was atrocious. I did not have a daily workout routine; I only went whenever I felt like going. My sleeping patterns was a mess. Lets just say I wasn't proud of what I went through. After freshman year I decided to make a change. I started a simple workout routine and managed to drop myself down to around 210 lbs. by the end of sophomore year. At least I was keeping up with my workout routine but my diet was still crap. I also dreaded the idea of cardio since it is boring and exhausting, especially doing it after your workouts. Junior year came around and I decided that maybe I needed a little "boost" to help me going. This was when I decided to do some research on some thermogenics. OxyElite Pro was fresh in the market and it had such positive reviews from all beta testers that I had to give it a shot. I bought a 90 pill count bottle for approximately $30 and all I can say is WOW. After cycling once with OxyElite Pro, I managed to drop my weight down to 185 lbs. I couldn't believe it either; 25 pounds in a month seems almost unreal. I did not want to waste my money and slack off while cycling through it so I kept up my exercise routine, tried to eat a high protein diet and I managed to do 20 minutes of cardio after working out everyday. It was probably one of the best decisions I have made in my life, no kidding. It was so simple. I just followed the instructions on the bottle which was take 2 pills when you wake up and 1 more about 8 hours later on an empty stomach. These pills not only gave me energy throughout the day but it suppressed my hunger and helped me focus in the gym. If you are looking to cut, I highly recommend this to anybody that doesn't have any problems with stimulants. If you are sensitive to stimulants, I recommend you to check out USP Labs' other thermogenic called Recreate.


This was the first PWO drink that I have tried. I remember getting the lemon lime flavor and my first impression when mixing it was that it mixes TERRIBLY. Looking into my cup after mixing as much as I possibly can I thought I was looking at Shrek's bubbly piss. I am a person that can tolerate taste so I didn't really care but I must say the taste was extremely strong. I can just say that downing the PWO drink wasn't pleasant, especially when compared to Jack3d. If you can get over the taste and its mixability, then NO-Xplode isn't so bad. It gave me incredible endurance and pumps in the gym. It kept me focused. The first couple times taking it, I wasn't use to putting that much stimulant into my body so I had minor jitters but afterwards my body adjusted and it wasn't so bad. Although, I would have to say that after discovering Jack3d, I might never pick up another bottle of NO-Xplode ever again.


Deliciousness in Protein Form
The most delicious protein shake you will ever taste whether it is with water or milk. It is extremely delicious. I have cycled through two bottles of Syntha-6. Although it is a bit on the pricier side of protein shakes, I would have to say the taste is worth it. If you can get it on sale for cheap, go for it. The 2.91 lbs. container contains 30 servings. Each serving delivers a whopping 44g of high grade protein. If you are sick of the taste of your everyday protein shake, switch to Syntha-6 for a month, but be warned! You may never turn back.

Millennium Sport ZMK:

If you are not taking ZMA, then you better start!
This is the first ZMA supplement that I have taken. I decided to do some research before seeing which is the best ZMA in the market. A lot of people in forums say ZMK since it has Krebs Cycle chelated Zinc and Magnesium which makes those two minerals twice as bioavailable as your other ZMA products. This is probably one of the priciest ZMA products out there but I wanted to try the best one out there. All I can say is that I never had better sleep in my life during my cycle with ZMK. I usually take it 30 minutes to an hour before sleeping and it knocks me out as soon as I hit the bed. Not only that but it gives me awesome vivid dreams and helps me get up in the morning without the drowsy feeling. I literally hear my alarm ring and I pop up, wide awake and ready to go. A lot of people on forums say that ZMA should be a staple supplement as much as protein. I can see why. It gives you great rest, which is very very important for anyone that wants to develop muscle. If you do not take a ZMA product, go try one out. It doesn't have to be this brand since it is quite expensive ($25 a bottle). You can find any other ZMA product online for under $10. I also heard NOW ZMA is pretty good and its relatively cheap compared to Millennium Sport ZMK.