
Hi whoever is reading this.

I am your average Joe that has taken an interest in both bodybuilding and power lifting. I am 21 years old and I go to Stony Brook University. On my blog I will keep track of both my diet and workout routines. I might also do supplement reviews. I am very open-minded and will take any suggestions or advice from anybody that seems credible.

I have been working out on and off for about 4 years. I haven't been serious with it only until couple months ago, around January of 2010. Before starting working out seriously, I was close to 220 lbs. and had about 25% body fat. My current weight is now 185 lbs. and I am at about 13% body fat. I am not planning to lose anymore weight but quite the opposite. I want to gain lean muscle mass and drop my body fat percentage down to somewhere in the single digits. Keeping this blog would not only help me monitor my progress, but help me keep me focused and persistent with both my exercises and eating habits. Starting today, I shall post all my workouts and diet daily. If you are following me with this blog, please help me by giving me advice on what I should do to help me reach my goal.

I am also interested in trying new supplements so if you have any supplements you think I should try and write a review on, tell me. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! My e-mail is Feel free to write anything to me regarding to working out, dieting, or supplements. If you want to send me supplements for me to try and write a review on, e-mail me and I will try to contact you back as soon as possible.

Now go through my blog!
