Friday, January 21, 2011

What Do I Eat?

I normally eat sources of carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables in a meal. The amount of carbohydrates vary for me depending on whether if I am bulking or cutting. Its very important to remember that when you are cutting to eat less carbohydrates and when you are bulking you eat more carbohydrates. Also, the amount of protein you should eat if you are planning to lose weight or gain muscle mass is about 0.8-1 gram per lb of your body weight. And as for vegetables, the more the merrier.

I decided to actually take a picture of a meal that I have made today since I haven't really posted any meals yet on my blog. 

This is a typical meal for me. As you can see there are carbohydrates, protein and vegetables. This meal was very simple to make but I can truthfully say that it wasn't all that tasty; it was still good but not the best. The greens are spinach that I bought frozen from Stop and Shop. Simple way to prepare it is to microwave it for 2 minutes. Next to it is brown fried rice. I did not use soy sauce or any type of condiment to prepare it. It is simply brown rice, eggs, onions and a little bit of salt and pepper. The protein is 95% lean ground beef that I formed into a patty and simply heat in a pan until it was properly cooked. This meal didn't take me any more than 10 minutes to prepare (the rice was left over from last night). I always make sure that when I make my brown rice that I make extra since I can conveniently use it the next day. This is my typical meal that I eat about 4-5 times a day not including my protein supplement. If you include protein I have 6-8 meals a day.

Meals can become monotonous when you're trying to keep a clean diet but if you stick with it along with proper daily exercises, results will show. I guarantee it.

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